Projects Posts

How to Enhance Effective Employee Feedback

How to Enhance Effective Employee Feedback

Giving effective employee feedback can be a challenge.  The employee evaluation is complete. Now it’s time to give feedback. Telling someone what they did well is the easy part. Giving constructive feedback on what they could improve upon can be a sticky wicket. How...

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Zoom Fatigue: What is it, how to fix it

Zoom Fatigue: What is it, how to fix it

Zoom fatigue.  Is this a real thing? Have you heard of it?  Even if you haven’t heard of it, you have probably experienced it during a video conference call.  That feeling that you have had enough of video conferencing?  After a while of sitting through yet another...

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How to spot a fake email: Cybersecurity tips

How to spot a fake email: Cybersecurity tips

How to spot a fake email.  When it comes to the cybersecurity of your company, you cannot be too careful in this day and age. There are automated bots that are trying to get into your system 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The weakest link in any cybersecurity system...

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Uncle URL asks: “What is a DNS Record”

Uncle URL asks: “What is a DNS Record”

What is a DNS Record? This article will briefly explain what a DNS Record is, how many types of DNS Records there are, and why you would ever need to know or care! The DNS stands for “Domain Name Server”. What does that mean? What’s in a name? A name can be humorous,...

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Why should I update my website

Why should I update my website

Why Use a Professional web development company? Web development companies recommend regular website updates every couple of years. Why should you update your website? The short answer is, because your website is the face of your business to the world. During a regular...

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