At 212 Creative, we are always pushing the boundaries of what can be done. By now, everyone has heard of the AI program ChatGPT and the wonders it can do. It can write articles, create itineraries for your vacation, even write a speech for your product launch. That...
SEO: Top 5 Trends to Watch
212 Creative, LLC gives the top five SEO trends to watch, including social commerce, voice search and the end of third party cookies.
Demystifying Creating a Custom Website
Going to a webdesign company near me and designing and developing a custom WordPress website for your business. That sounds a little intimidating. Maybe you just have a small business, and want to have a website. You heard you could make a website for free, and...
Emerging Tech: Chat GPT
The best web design company in Michigan, 212 Creative, LLC, works hard everyday to keep you updated on the latest emerging tech trends. If you haven’t heard, Chat GPT is an AI for writing content. It is pretty amazing. To try out Chat GPT to see just how good it is...
How Secure is Your Password?
At 212 Creative, we take website security very seriously. There are so many things to be aware of, like protecting yourself from malware attacks. Have you ever been hacked? Maybe your friends are starting to get emails for Facebook messages from you that you didn’t...
Demystifying Google Business Profiles: Answers to Common Questions
You just started a business, and you have been hearing about a Google Business Page, or Google Business Listing, or maybe it was called a Google My Business Page? You may know nothing about it, or you may know a lot about it, but do you know everything you need to...
301 Redirects: What it Means For Website Development
301 redirects. What are they? What is a 301? Is it a stylish brand of sturdy denim pants? Or is it an area code in Maryland? Yes, both are true. In this article though, we are talking about a 301 redirect on a website. Have you ever moved to a new house...
Domain Name: Getting the One You Want!
You have a business and you want to create a website for that business. To get a website on the internet, you need a domain name. That is like the address of a house. Your website is like the house, and the website hosting is like renting the land on which the house...
Website Design: When is it Time to Redesign?
Web design: How do you know when it's time to redesign your website? You may have been an early pioneer and had your website built a long time ago when websites were just getting popular, or maybe you had one developed just a few years ago. Either...
5 Things to Look For in a Web Design Company
Web design: how do you pick the right company? Getting a website designed and built is the easy part. Choosing the right company to do the work is a little more difficult. Here are five things you should look for when choosing a web design company: their work, ...
Why Should You Have a Facebook or LinkedIn Business Page?
Why should you have a Facebook or LinkedIn business page? There are many reasons why you should have an active social media presence for your company, especially on Facebook and LinkedIn. Here are the top 7 reasons why! There are a LOT of Facebook and LinkedIn...
Using Hashtags In Facebook Posts
Using hashtags in Facebook posts. I remember when # used to mean tic-tac-toe or a pound sign. Do you remember when it seemed like all of a sudden everyone forgot about tic-tac-toe and started calling it a hashtag! In this article, we will discuss...
How to create facebook posts for business
How to create Facebook posts for business. Creating social media posts can be a daunting task if you’ve never done it before. Once you start posting, you may come across another obstacle: What do I post next? You can’t keep posting the same thing week after week and...
What’s the difference between Keywords and anchor text? (Learn in less than five minutes)
What is the difference between Keywords and Anchor Text? If you are asking this question, you probably are learning about SEO (Search Engine Optimization). If you are just getting into the SEO game, then you know that the reason for doing SEO is to have...
Learning to leverage lead measures and lag measures
Lead measures and lag measures? What exactly are they, and how can they help my business? In business there seems to be a never-ending discussion about data. Which metrics are important? Should you get data on every part of the marketing funnel? Once you collect the...