Looking for a Web Design Company near Me

Looking for a web design company near me?  Why do you need a professional to build a website?  You don’t, not really.  You can create your own website. Just like there are many ways you could do your own dentistry; cook your own delicious gourmet meal; watch a video tutorial to learn how to change out the engine block on your car!

The point is, there is always someone out there who claims they can do it better, cheaper, nicer, sleeker, more modern, less complicated, etc. You check out their claims, and it looks easy. You can even contact them and ask questions to see if their service will provide you with what you need.  But, like my mother always said, never ask a barber if you need a haircut. 

A professional firm should develop your website for many reasons. I could write a book and fill it just with stories of people who have gone the inexpensive route and tried to create a website by themselves. They are kind enough to come to us to help them fix the problems or rebuild their website from the ground up. We have had clients who did not have secure websites, clients whose website crashed and they couldn’t get anyone in tech support to help them.  One client had an online catalog, but every time there was an updated catalog or a price got changed, rather than change it in the catalog, the website uploaded an entirely new catalog. When we came onto the scene, the website was over 6,000 pages long. Yikes! And the list goes on. 

Depending on your needs, you could be looking for a web design company near me, or try to build a free website on your own. Some of these free website building sites could be okay, but it gets a little trickier if you want something more than just a static website.  Could you figure out how to add an e-commerce component with a catalog of products to your website? Probably, but like my doctor says, when things are routine and working well, many of his patients wouldn’t necessarily need him to fix routine problems. The problem is, there are always issues.  It’s when things get complicated, or start to break down that you want someone who knows what WordPress is, how to go to the back end of a website and look at lines of code to troubleshoot problems.  

It might seem to a small-business owner who is always watching the bottom line that getting a free website would be a good way to spend no money and get a presence on the internet. You would probably be surprised at how affordable it is to hire a professional company.   There are many things that can go right when you hire a professional firm to create your website. For example, for most people, your website is going to be the very first contact they have with your company.  If I walked into a doctor’s office, and there was a dude sitting there, maybe his pants didn’t quite go all the way down to his shoes, and his shirt was just a little too tight and I could see some belly in-between the buttons, and he said “Hey, can I help you? I’m a doctor.”  Now, he might very well be a doctor, but we have a certain image of how a doctor should look and behave, just like we all have certain expectations for how a website should look and act.  The UX (User Experience) and UI (User Interface) should be easy to understand and navigate. It should be informative and have a contemporary, modern look and feel. As a client, I should effortlessly be able to find the product or information I’m looking for, and be able to place my order with no problems. 

Another  practical consideration is time.  Everyone is so busy these days, and if you are a small business owner, you are wearing many hats. Now your new task is to learn how to create a website for your company? Few things make me more stressed than trying to learn a new computer program in a hurry. Do you really want to create the portal through which the world will be introduced to your company when you are inexperienced, overwhelmed and stressed?  (Well, like my mother would say if she were here, never ask a professional website designer if you need them to build a website for you because of course, we’ll say yes!)  You will not spend any money creating a website with  us.  You will be investing money into the future of your business. 

If you’re looking for a web design company near me, call us, let’s begin the process of creating a website that you can be proud of, and one with which your clients will be impressed. We will work side by side with you every step of the way, creating the website of your dreams. 

Are you ready to discuss your upcoming project?