The Art & Science of Communicating with AI: Part 2, The Science

Web development depends on excellent copywriting. To learn the art and science of communicating with AI, in part 1 of this series we discussed the art of communicating with AI. Now let’s explore the science. Behind the soft artistry of AI communication lies hard machine science – but it’s not rocket science. The science behind effective human-AI communication requires understanding the framework and structures that AI thrives on. Of course, choosing the right AI tool for the job matters (you wouldn’t ask Siri to design a website for you), and how you interact with the tool is equally important. Your success in mastering the science of communicating with AI depends on what you say, how you say it, and making your intent clear. The “Science” is in your system.

What You Say (Semantics)

Words matter – a lot. In AI speak, this boils down to ‘semantics’ and when you choose the right words and phrases it makes all the difference. The precision of your language helps AI understand context and generate pertinent responses. If you’re using words that are too broad or vague, the AI might get confused and not give you the response you’re looking for. On the other hand, if you’re using specific, unambiguous language, the AI is much more likely to understand what you’re asking for and give you a helpful response.

For example, instead of using a broad term like “good”, it’s more effective to be specific with words like “efficient” or “clear”. Think about the difference between asking an AI for a “brief overview” and a “detailed summary”.  With a “detailed summary” you’re going to get a much more detailed and in-depth response.

How You Say It (Syntax)

Syntax refers to the how we arrange words and phrases to create well-formed sentences in a way that’s logical and easy to understand. This is important in human-to-human conversations and crucial when communicating with AI. If you use overly complex questions or long, drawn-out sentences, it can often lead to confusion and misinterpretation by the AI. This is why it’s generally recommended to use simple and concise language that is easy to read and understand. By using short, direct sentences and clear paragraph breaks, you can greatly improve the readability of your text and ensure that the AI can correctly process the intended meaning of your words.

So, the bottom line is, when you’re communicating with AI, it’s important to be mindful of your syntax. You want to make sure that your sentences are structured in a clear and logical way, so that the AI can easily understand what you’re trying to say. This can help you avoid any misinterpretations or confusion, which can save you time and frustration in the long run. The goal is to make things as easy as possible for both you and the AI. Keep it simple, direct, and to the point.

Establishing the Why (Purpose)

Purpose is being clear about what we want. Telling the AI your intent upfront establishes the goal so the AI can give you answers that are actually relevant to your needs. Being clear and straight to the point with the AI ensures that you and the AI are on the same page, you’re more likely to get what you need from the conversation.

AI is good, but it’s not a mind reader. You need to tell it what you’re thinking and what you want. If you’re seeking marketing advice, for instance, be specific. Mentioning you’re looking to improve social media engagement for the 20-30 age demographic rather than just asking for general marketing advice, provides the AI with clues so that it can better generate responses to your specific needs.

So, what might this look like?

Unclear Command: “Write a marketing plan for my new company.”

Better Command: “As the owner of a new gardening supply company targeting environmentally-conscious millennials, I need advice on social media strategies to increase brand awareness and engagement with eco-friendly content.”

Why it works: The second command establishes clearer context and purpose upfront by specifying the type of business, target audience, and goal of seeking social media marketing advice tailored to that niche. Being direct and providing key details about what you want (semantics) in a clear and organized manner (syntax) makes it easier for the AI to give you useful responses.This helps the AI understand the intent (purpose) and provide suggestions more relevant to those specific needs, rather than just generic marketing advice.

Navigating AI’s Quirks

Exploring AI is like discovering a new art form that blends science with creativity and computational power. Understanding the nuances of AI communication is crucial, just like with any art or science. While AI can do amazing things such as compose music  and predict weather patterns, it’s important to remember its limitations.

AI Tools have Limitations:

Sure, AI can whip up calculations faster than you can say “algorithm”, but expecting it to pen the next Shakespearean play? That’s a stretch. AI pulls from what it knows (and it knows a lot) but it doesn’t really dream up fresh ideas. That’s a human’s job.

AI Bluffs:

Sometimes, AI might get a tad…imaginative. In its zeal to respond, it can connect imaginary dots, giving answers that sound good but might be off the mark or completely fabricated. They’re called “hallucinations” and you can think of these as AI’s version of a tall tale. Best way to avoid hallucinations? Stay engaged. Remember the “science” behind communicating with AI (semantics, syntax & purpose) as you interact.  When in doubt, ask for clarification, request more information, and double-check AI’s response.  (P.S. Tell AI when it’s got something wrong – It won’t get its feelings hurt and it’ll make AI better for everyone.)

Bias Alert:

AI is like a sponge, soaking up data it’s trained on. If that data has biases, AI’s outputs might have bias too.  From facial recognition issues to skewed recruitment suggestions, biases can creep in. But here’s the empowering bit: our interactions and feedback can help course-correct these biases over time. From using gender-free pronouns (think “they” rather and he/she) to explicitly telling AI to “Offer insights without basing them on race, gender, age, or other personal characteristics”, you can set clear boundaries for the AI.

Safety and Security First:

As we embrace AI, safeguarding our personal data is paramount. Always be cautious about the information you share. Ensure the AI tools and platforms you use prioritize user data protection. And you know those Terms of Agreement that pop up when you sign up online? READ THEM!  Because while AI can enhance our lives, it’s up to us to make sure our digital footprints are secure.

In all, while AI is an impressive tool in our tech arsenal, knowing its quirks and ensuring our data safety helps us harness its power responsibly.  We need to use AI tools wisely, be aware of limitations and inaccuracies and cautious of perpetuating bias.

AI integration into our daily lives is undeniable. Effective communication with AI requires mastering the Art of Awareness (presence, intentionality, and nuance), as well as understanding the Science of Systems (semantics, syntax, and purpose.) Proficiency comes with practice, understanding, and giving yourself (and AI) grace. When you engage with AI tools available to you, such as voice assistants, chatbots, and recommendation algorithms, you can experience firsthand the transformative impact AI can have on your life and business. The future is now – Give it a try! If you are looking for a cutting edge web develoment company, check out 212 Creative, LLC for all of your website design, website development, SEO and graphic design needs!

Lynn Mair guides organizations to optimize performance through integrating AI and elevating communication capabilities. With over 25 years of leadership experience in education, product creation, and professional development she creates customized frameworks leveraging AI to enhance human skills. Her AI-powered solutions augment capabilities in areas including writing, information sharing, goal setting, and data insights. Lynn is pioneering techniques to engineer AI prompts that extract maximum relevance for individuals and organizations. She develops training and resources to empower teams to communicate skillfully with AI’s assistance, not replacement. Through research and application, Lynn stays current on the latest AI advancements to ensure human-centric adoption focused on ethics. She believes AI should be harnessed to amplify inclusion, empathy and belonging. Her mission is to help leaders embrace emerging technologies to unlock their teams’ potential while keeping people at the heart of the process.

Looking for guidance, contact Lynn at

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