Young Investigations, ps

Cloud Care Complete | Website Design

The Challenge

This Cloud Care Complete website was a great project from start to finish. A retired Lieutenant from the Michigan State Police force with over 36 years of military and law enforcement training as opening up a private investigation and protection agency and needed a website.  Our Cloud Care Complete package was perfect for this project.


Our Solution

The creation of this website was truly a collaborative process between our team and the client.  He chose a template and we discussed at length the services he would be providing, and what sort of experience, knowledge, talents, abilites and training he would bring to this new role.  We starting writing copy and refined his logo, and began to build out the website.

Website Home Page

The Results

Thanks to constant communication between our team and the client, and the client’s quick response and prepardness, we created and launched this website in a month.  The final website is contemporary, yet creates the serious image of a seasoned private investigator.  The client is happy, so therefore, we are happy!