Strictly V-Twin

Website Design

The Challenge

We were recommended by some of our Canadian clients to this great shop in Canada called Strictly V-twin. They had a website, but it needed a major overhaul.  Believe it or not, when we first came on the scene, they had almost 6,000 pages on their website due to the online store getting out of control.  Teams on both sides of the border rolled up their sleeves to tackle this exciting project!


Our Solution

The branding was solid on this site, so we focussed on the issues with the online store. The inventory needed to be updated every day from their supplier. We actually worked with the supplier directly. They were kind enough to actually create the software needed for this massive job.  After we figured all of that out, the rest of the site came together very quickly.

Website Home Page

The Results

Oour client now has a beautiful, massive online store that has thousands of products updated daily. The new software works flawlessly and most importantly, are clients are thrilled!

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