Pontone Law

Website Design

The Challenge

Michael Pontone, Esq., is a well-respected lawyer in New York, NY.  He wanted to increase his client base. To do that, he knew he needed a modern website that was attractive and contemporary, and also easy for the user to navigate.  He contacted us, explained his needs, and we got to work.


Our Solution

Our designers got together to find just the right creative blending of text, images, lighting and color for a lawyer in New York. The team wanted it to be attractive and inviting, but also convey the image of a lawyer who knew his business.  After much dialogue with the client, we settled on a design and got to work building.

Website Home Page

The Results

Our client loves the website, and he is actually one of our oldest and most loyal clients.  We couldn’t be happier with the result, and nothing makes us happier than a satisfied customer!